Personally if I had a genius of wishes, that could change the social work curriculum, I feel that it would take me an entire afternoon to tell you what I would like to change on it. First, I would like to restructure the subject approaches, for example, to courses like “Critical approaches to social work” I would take you to combine or mix the theoretical approach you already have with the national context. In terms of the application of theoretical branches to contingent socio-cultural situations, I would add to subjects like social psychology a section of tools for person-to-person interactions or self-care tools for the professional future. On the other hand, the research nuclei would be modified by the evaluations, eliminating the standardized character of evaluation, since each nucleus has its particularities and not all can be evaluated through the same mechanism: a written theoretical report.

Regarding the teaching staff, despite the fact that I feel that they are all highly qualified in the discipline and have quite complex and complete conceptual deployments, I would make them obligatorily take courses in pedagogy or teaching, because they are academics and not merely such teachers, that in the classroom they sometimes don’t perform well in terms of teaching methodologies or explanations that are easy to understand. On the other hand, around the facilities and infrastructure, I wish there was more suitable classrooms, with more space and illumination, along with spaces available for students, for example, a separate room for the social work coordinating table or for students of the discipline, whether to study, relax, take a break, etc.

Finally, I would like to change the way in which learning is delivered from the use of technological tools or analytical data software, since they only assume that we will learn to use them with the few sessions that certain assistants do, however, they are not completely efficient or productive and finally we end up forcing ourselves to learn in other ways.
