Social Work is a profession that has a lot of work, but I would like to work in child intervention and lgbtiqa+ groups. Both are areas that I like very much and I consider that they have many problems of exclusion, marginalization and above all that they are not taken seriously in public policy.  In this sense, I would like to mix internal and external work, that is to say, to do work in the field on behalf of institutions or the government and at the same time to do research independently or in some NGO's.

Regarding the salary, I think that it will not be very good hahha, the profession is not very good in those terms, but I think that mixing intervention and developing research projects should not be so bad (I hope). Actually, as long as it helps me to survive I'm happy. I think the important thing is to feel comfortable with the profession and with yourself more than the amount of money you have.

I am currently studying a specialization in interdisciplinary studies of Social Work and effective innovations in public policy, as I believe that both branches could be very helpful when working in the areas I mentioned. However, next year I don't plan to follow these areas, as I plan to take a different core R&D, specifically one on gender and intersectional feminist approaches in order to learn more about gender, sexuality, dissent, homonormativity and cisheteropatriarchy.
